Who We Are
The Michael of Nebadon Institute is a non-governmental organization, established with the strategic gears of an investment company.
We are a team of 144,000 volunteer servers, positioned in strategic locations within the national territory of Brazil and abroad, entrusted with serving the Human Community by managing, overseeing, investing, and multiplying the personal, material, technological, and professional wealth produced by the Community itself.
The Human Community is the client. We are the servers!
What We Do
Our main purpose is the establishment, generation, and maintenance of a Gold Reserve Fund, which will be managed, administered, and invested in Social, Professional, Personal, and Entrepreneurial Projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the Human Community as a whole.

We create the ideal conditions to provide the tools and resources necessary for producing and sharing a portion of the fruits of our most valuable assets — whether monetary, personal, intellectual, spiritual, material, or technological — for the common benefit of our own Community.

The Mission
Ensuring accessibility to essential, necessary, and useful products and services for a fair and dignified life for every member of our community — creators, co-creators, and producers of their own wealth — is our mission.
This is a path our team will walk ad aeternum, for the Institute was conceived to be carried on by countless future generations, seeking to reach and benefit, over time, all the inhabitants of this planet.
Why we do it
There is no greater heritage than the wealth that human beings are capable of creating, co-creating, and producing in harmony with the planet's nature.

This is why our most valuable investment is in people. And this wealth, created by human beings, for us, has no price and is therefore impossible to measure in monetary profits.
Our Difference
Our team simply recognizes and distinguishes personal wealth from material and monetary wealth.

For us, personal wealth exists and endures independently of the others.
However, material wealth has no purpose without a wealth producer, and even with an abundance of money, without the producer, there will be nothing to buy.
Our Reasons
For ages, the relentless pursuit of profit and monetary values has limited humanity, the producer of wealth, from accessing the tools and instruments needed to multiply the "loaves of bread." This has resulted in social and economic inequalities that are potentially catastrophic, even for the financial system itself.

And in the end, we are the only ones truly dependent on the wealth we produce.
What makes us equal?
Our most basic needs!

Why Gold
It is not an investment but a safeguard for maintaining and ensuring the continuity of the services provided by the Michael of Nébadon Institute, even in the face of the most catastrophic scenarios for the collective.
Organizational Chart
Learn about the structure of the administration and operational management of the internal bodies of the Michael of Nebadon Institute and their connections with our Human Community.