Server Area
Consult information about the Internal Regulations, Professional Profile, Human Resources Management, and Registration.
The Social, Professional, Personal, and Entrepreneurial Projects will be developed, planned, managed, and executed by members of our local community, who are selected, trained, and qualified to become part of the staff at the Michael of Nebadon Institute.
It Is Not Financing
We invest in projects that promote fruits and improvements in the quality of life for the Human Community, utilizing our most valuable working tools: the servers of the Michael of Nebadon Institute, operating locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
To achieve this, the Institute is being structured to enable the remote management of information flow and the logistics of allocating and reallocating resources, tools, and work instruments, both across the national territory and abroad. The goal is to provide all the material and technological infrastructure necessary for the Institute’s servers to perform their duties and tasks.
And Merit
The organizational structure of the Michael of Nebadon Institute fosters a horizontal management of human resources, encouraging the intellectual development of servers through autonomy in decision-making. This autonomy is guided by the set of statutory and regulatory norms, rules, and principles under the direction of the High Administration.
Greater autonomy entails greater responsibilities but also the due merit for the fruits produced.
Professional Profiles
The essential skills and characteristics for performing public service activities.