The rules and regulations of the Institute and the Investment Company will be presented at the time of registration.
What is it?
Compliance is the set of procedures, policies, and rules implemented to ensure that the team operates in alignment with applicable standards, regulations, and laws, whether external or internal.
More than adhering to laws and regulations, compliance represents a commitment to ethics, integrity, and transparency in all actions of the Institute.
In this context, it is essential that the Internal Regulations, as well as all documents, procedures, principles, and complementary rules of both the Michael of Nébadon Institute and the Institute's Investment Company, are followed and adhered to by every server, whether resident or volunteering in active service.
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General Instructions
The following items are not exhaustive but merely illustrative and will be detailed in the internal regulations and procedural rules.
Any member of the Human Community, whether an individual or a legal entity, without legal impediments, of national or foreign origin, may apply for registration to join the team of volunteer servers at the Michael of Nébadon Institute.
Volunteer Servers will be considered members of our community who contribute with monetary, personal, material, property, professional, technical, and/or intellectual resources, on a part-time or full-time basis, to achieve the social goals and purposes of the Institute.
The Volunteer Server will be registered with an identification number automatically generated by the Institute's computerized system, following chronological parameters to ensure compliance with the rights established in our Internal Regulations.*
The Michael of Nébadon Institute will issue a personal identification document that allows automated access to the Institute’s facilities, as well as identification, access, and entry into external establishments that are partners, affiliates, subcontracted, or contracted.
General communication will take place through the official channels of the Michael of Nébadon Institute on social media and via the official website
In the event of selection to join the Institute's Resident Server team or to form work teams for social actions, activities, and projects in progress, the Institute will directly contact the server using the communication channels provided during registration.
For Resident Servers
Volunteer Servers interested in joining the Resident Server Team of the Michael of Nébadon Institute must meet the following requirements:
I - Must not have any dependency on or use cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, toxic substances, drugs, or any hallucinogenic or similar substances, whether natural or chemical.
II - Must be aware of and accept the statutes, rules, and principles of the Michael of Nébadon Institute.
III - Must hold a Certificate of Training and Technical Aptitude for the required functions, issued by the Institute's Department of Education.
To All Servers
All Institute Servers, whether volunteer servers in service, resident servers, or advisors, must observe and comply with the following restrictions and prohibitions:
I - The use or effects of the substances mentioned in Item I of Article 24 of the Internal Regulations* (cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, or drugs of any kind) within the shared or private premises, internal or external, of the Michael of Nébadon Institute, will not be authorized, permitted, or tolerated.
II - The resources from the Reserve Fund under the custody of the Michael of Nébadon Institute may not, under any circumstances, be used for the direct or indirect purchase of the substances mentioned in Item I of Article 24 of the Internal Regulations.*
III - The culinary practices within the premises of the Michael of Nébadon Institute will specialize in vegan and vegetarian cuisines, with the latter preferably utilizing derivatives from farms of good reputation regarding animal care or from the Institute’s own farms.
IV - In the shared premises of the Institute, the reproduction of audios, videos, or games with offensive content, or that promote crime, trafficking, war, violence, or the use of weapons and drugs of any kind, will not be permitted.
V - Except for entertainment events organized by the Michael of Nébadon Institute team, the reproduction of audios and videos in the common areas of the Institute must comply with the local rules of each sector regarding permitted decibel levels.