The Gears and Strategies

Developing solutions and co-creating the new is one of our most important missions.
There is much to be done.


Where do we start

We are all embedded in a system dominated and governed by the power of those who own the largest amounts of money or assets convertible into money. According to the financial system itself, this is the most widely accepted "net worth" in the negotiations of buying and selling the world's riches.

a man with a beard and glasses on a dark background
a man with a beard and glasses on a dark background

Possessing large sums of money and assets has reasonably become a synonym of power for some and a benchmark of success for others.

However, the amount of currency in circulation in the world is limited and vastly inferior to the wealth-multiplying potential of the Human Being itself.

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What is the difference in wealth?

For us, at the Michael of Nebadon Institute, wealth encompasses everything that humans create, co-create, and produce in harmony with the planet's nature.

On the other hand, we can also state that not everything humans create, co-create, and produce can truly be considered wealth in its literal sense.

a collage of pictures of a variety of pictures
a collage of pictures of a variety of pictures

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How It Works

Thus, what does not generate or yield returns ends up incurring costs and expenses. It is within this context that the concepts of investment companies emerge, using currency within a value system established by the economic market itself.

The fundamental difference between the investment strategies of the Michael of Nebadon Institute and those of other companies lies in the concept of Generated Returns.

a tree with money and a laptop on it
a tree with money and a laptop on it

The global economic and financial system evaluates and assigns value to wealth based on its potential or ability to yield or generate returns.

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What They Seek

The larger, faster, and safer the return, the more valuable the investment will be.

In this sense, multiple complex investment companies are created daily, along with specialists and financial market consultants endorsed by them.

However, where there is profit, there are public and private interests that manifest through interest rates, participatory percentages, fees, and taxes.

a bull and bear chess game
a bull and bear chess game

Those who seek the multiplication of currency as their return will focus their investments where there is the greatest potential for financial return.

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What We Seek

Those who seek as their fruits the multiplication of what is necessary, meeting our most basic needs and in material or technological wealth that makes our lives better, not only for themselves but also for all those they love, will invest where these fruits can be generated and harvested.

This is where the strategic investment mechanisms of the Michael de Nébadon Institute come into play.

And about the fruits?

three boys playing in a stream of water
three boys playing in a stream of water

The Fruits

Let’s use an orange to represent all the fruits we need in our daily lives, whether it’s housing, food, transportation, health, clothing, education, travel, leisure, entertainment, or culture.

Can you tell how many seeds, on average, are inside an orange?

And how many oranges are there in a single seed?

a couple of oranges sitting on a table
a couple of oranges sitting on a table


An orange tree bears oranges as fruits, and we all need these fruits. But for that, in addition to our planters, we will need equipment and a piece of land available for the seeds to be sown and, then, the fruits to be harvested.

Without orange trees, there are no oranges!

However, if all the pieces of land and equipment are tied to the economic and financial system, then we will need money to buy a piece of land and equipment.

a tree with oranges on it
a tree with oranges on it


If the piece of land is ours, the orange trees and their fruits are also ours, and this is the principle of the constitution of a family unit, where all are for one, and one is for all.

Since the Michael of Nébadon Institute symbolizes the image of a Father and a Mother, the body of servers becomes brothers and eternal heirs of everything that is there!

Try putting this diagram on paper, and you will see!

Also, explore some of the fruits we are sowing through our ongoing social projects.

a man and woman sitting on a bench in a tree
a man and woman sitting on a bench in a tree

Project Portfolio

Discover some of the projects in development by the Michael of Nébadon Institute team!