Our Servers

Excellence in public service delivery.


What does it mean to be a King?

A King is someone who serves their people, not someone who is served. They are loved and chosen because they serve the most, not because they impose themselves or seek to be the most served.

Jesus washing a servant's feet, symbolizing humility and leadership through service.
Jesus washing a servant's feet, symbolizing humility and leadership through service.
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What would be the purpose of a King and his messengers if they were aware that they would not remain in this kingdom for long?

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If you had the power to sow a tree, knowing that its fruit would take more than 100 years to grow, would you sow this tree?

Bowl of dates in a wooden container, symbolizing patience and legacy.
Bowl of dates in a wooden container, symbolizing patience and legacy.
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Simple or Complex

There are questions for which the answers can only be revealed to us by Love in our hearts, and when they are revealed, they tend to emerge from within.


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Unconditional LOVE

It is the nature of volunteer service. Just as it was, is, and will continue to be the nature of the service of each apostle of Jesus.

We are sowers of trees, whose times of fruition are uncertain, but their fruits are absolute.

Jesus walking down a dirt road with a group, symbolizing service and unconditional love.
Jesus walking down a dirt road with a group, symbolizing service and unconditional love.


However, if the sower could not harvest the fruits he himself sowed, there would be no reason for his existence, just as there would be no reason for a message to reach the four corners of the world without the use of technology, in just 2000 years.

In the beginning, we were only 12.

And today, how many are we?

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Our Team

Excellence in public service delivery.



The investment company created by the Michael of Nébadon Institute to meet the needs of the local human community.