The Registration

Bring your personal wealth and become a server!



Why Register

The Michael of Nébadon Institute is developing technological solutions to meet the general and specific requirements defined by the High Administration, with the goal of managing the Institute's most valuable resource: human resources.

Group of people working on a computer, symbolizing management and technological development.
Group of people working on a computer, symbolizing management and technological development.

The registration will be linked to a unique, individual, non-transferable, lifelong identification number that will be preserved for future generations. This will enable our team to identify, generate, and manage the personal wealth offered by our servers, such as time, knowledge, skills, talents, and technical, professional, artistic, and technological experiences, transforming them into an intellectual heritage of the human community.

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The excellence in the services provided by the Michael of Nébadon Institute, from the High Administration to our Team of Servers, is and will always be exercised unconditionally. We serve, multiply, and produce from the individual level to the international level, always for the benefit of the collective, using the resources made available to us.

Monetary donations are received by the Institute as investments in our own human community at its global level.

Hand holding a heart, symbolizing donation and investment in the human community.
Hand holding a heart, symbolizing donation and investment in the human community.

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The monetary contributions received by the Michael of Nébadon Institute will be converted into gold bars, which will constitute the Reserve Fund of our Human Community. From this fund, capital will be extracted to be managed, generated, administered, and reinvested through our Investment Company in social, professional, personal, and entrepreneurial projects aligned with the statutory purposes and objectives.



Logo of the Michael of Nébadon Institute, representing the management of humanity's resources.
Logo of the Michael of Nébadon Institute, representing the management of humanity's resources.

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Official Headquarters

The development, planning, and execution of the physical infrastructure works for the official headquarters of the Michael of Nébadon Institute, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are occurring alongside the development of the technological infrastructure necessary to initiate the activities for server registration, the intranet, and the extranet, which will initially be installed in a provisional headquarters.

Drawing of a building under construction next to a completed one, symbolizing headquarters growth
Drawing of a building under construction next to a completed one, symbolizing headquarters growth

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Social Media

The call for registration will be made through an official notice published on the Institute's official social media channels.

Globe with social media and sharing icons around it, symbolizing global connection
Globe with social media and sharing icons around it, symbolizing global connection

The High Administration of the Michael of Nébadon Institute will keep our team informed daily through these channels until the entire technological network infrastructure is available and ready for action.

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We’ve Started

We encourage members of our Human Community who are interested in joining the Volunteer or Resident Server teams of the Michael of Nébadon Institute, in technical and administrative management positions (see organizational chart), to get in touch through the Contact Us channel!

Woman sitting on a couch with a laptop and phone, symbolizing communication and contact.
Woman sitting on a couch with a laptop and phone, symbolizing communication and contact.



Servers, the first seeds are ours. The fruits will be harvested, distributed, and shared with our entire human community!


The investment company created by the Michael of Nébadon Institute to meet the needs of the local human community.